So tonight is my last shift at The Office, and I couldn't be happier.
Asside from the horrible money and the sheer pointlessness of my being there, it was a social nightmare for me. I've always been shy and slow to make friends, but I've gotten a lot better about it recently. I've made so many new friends working on Jesus Christ Superstar. But the atmosphere at The Office was just different.
It was like being back in high school. I was the loser no one wanted around, and they were all the cool, popular kids. I mean, only one or two people have been outrightly rude to me, and one or two are really nice and I feel like I could have become friends with, but the rest seemed to just tollerate my existence there. They'd only talk to me if they needed something or wanted me to do something. I've lost count of the number of times I've walked into the kitchen in the middle of two people having a conversation and the person talking looked at me and said "I'll tell you later" before walking away.
I don't even know how many of them know I'm leaving; I only told two other servers.
AJ thinks that I should just go down the line tonight telling them all to fuck off. If they act the way they've been acting, I just might.
Also, look at the "script" they hung up in the kitchen for us. This is what they want us to say when we get to a table.
Are they serious? This is the corniest thing I've ever read in my life! And I've done commercials!!!!! You really want me to go up to a table and say that a burger is "fun to bite into"? Or rather than describing how something tastes, to actually say "yum"? Like I'm thinking about it?
This "script" takes two full minutes to say outloud when you include the specials and the descriptions. If my server came up to the table and said this, I'd tune out somewhere around the tuna tower. At the end of the two minutes, I'd just be staring at them with a half glazed, half seriously worried for their sanity look on my face.
When I go up to a table, I introduce myself, ask if they've seen the new menu. If they have, I ask them if they'd like to hear tonight's specials. If not, I give them a quick (QUICK) overview of the things we've added and the things we've kept the same; Tell them that all of our burgers are now certified angus beef, and that all of our meat is now hand cut and everything is no longer frozen, but brough in fresh every day. And then I mention the specials. If they ask how something is or for my recomendation, I'm more than happy to oblige them, but I'm not going to stand there and without them asking, give them a "favorite" of mine from every category on the menu. I also don't lie, and I don't recomend things that I don't eat. I'm not going to "personally recomend" the creole Pasta, because I don't eat shrimp or sausage.
And if you give every server a script to stick to, where's their personality, their individuality? Aren't the customers going to get a little suspicious when they hear the server at the table behind them say the EXACT same thing their server said to them, right down to the supposedly treasuered childhood memory of dunking their grilled cheese sandwich into their tomato soup?
I am going to dance for joy when I leave there tonight.