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Saturday, October 26, 2013

My New Job

I really need to get better at posting about these things as they happen, but...



I'm working at a comedy club, and while it's not the part of the entertainment business that I grew up in, it's at least entertainment. If you haven't heard of The Stress Factory, it's an awesome comedy club in New Brunswick, and we get some seriously awesome comedians in here. Pretty much all of my favorites have performed here at one time or another.

I had to take a slight pay cut from what I was making at my other job, but both AJ and I felt that my sanity was worth it. And now that my schedule has shifted to Tuesday through Saturday, I have Mondays all to myself to go grocery shopping, or do laundry, or cook, or anything else that I was too tired to do on Saturdays. Basically, it's my day to be Little Suzie Homemaker :)

My work days basically consist of answering the phones and selling tickets, updating the club's website, running their social media sites, send out email blasts, and helping to get the club ready for the comics. And while that may sound easy, it isn't always. During the day I'm the only one there to answer a multi line phone system, and to answer the door for deliveries, and to update the Facebook and Twitter account every hour. Earlier in the week, it's not too crazy, and I have some time to do stuff like blog, but on a day where we have a show that night, it can get nuts!

And it doesn't help that I'm not naturally that funny. You try posting something funny on Twitter every hour and see how fast you run out of ideas. And I'll find things that I think are funny, but then I sit there for about five minutes debating whether the majority of our audience will think it's funny.

It's interesting, because looking back now, I really did like my job at the Y. It was cool to be the supervisor and to be trusted with that much responsibility and left alone to do my work. And I had time to read or write or do whatever while nothing was going on.  I thought that I hated it because what I wanted was a 9-5 office job where I got to wear skirts and pantyhose and be professional. In reality, it really was just the people that populated that particular Y that ruined it for me. I'm too much of a creative person to work in a strictly corporate environment where I'm expected to act like a robot, especially a medical one. And being an actor, I'm too emotional a person to deal with a work environment where anything that goes wrong gets blamed on me or bosses take out their frustrations on me.

I feel like I've found a job with the perfect balance of being full time but in a relaxed environment. A job where I have a lot of freedom during the day, but still have duties to perform. Plus, I have the bonus of being one of the first to know when a comedian's coming in and get free tickets :) I've been here three weeks now, and I love it. I got an email the other day from the girl who took over for me at QDx (I told her that I have no cellphone service here, but I have wifi, so if she has any questions she could email me) that started out with "Hi Corinne, you lucky girl." All I can say is that I have absolutely NO regrets about leaving there.

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