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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Getting back into the swing of things

So yesterday I had a huge audition. I was going in for an open call for the role of Cosette in the upcoming Les Mis movie. I was pretty excited about it, because it was a HUGE oppurtunity. So I got in, signed up, was number 121 out of almost 400 girls, and sat and waited.
The casting director came in and made an announcement, that they had such specific casting directions from London that rather than wasting everyone's time, they were going to call us in in groups of about 25 and "type us", and if we didn't fit what they were looking for, they wouldn't keep us around to sing. I unfortunately got "typed out", but I didn't mind. I'd rather that happened than I spent the entire day waiting around and then found out I wasn't what they were looking for. Or that I sang and then sat around wondering what I could have done better when I didn't get cast. I'd rather know I didn't get it because of something that's beyond my control.

And even though I didn't even get to sing, I'm glad I went. It lit a fire under me to get back out and into auditions. I know this is what I want to do and was meant to do, and I know that my big break is out there somewhere. Everyone has one, you just have to be in the right place at the right time. I don't want to miss mine.
It also lit a fire under me to stop making excuses and realize that I've put on weight, and the only one who can do anything about that fact is me. I need to start exercising regularly, and stop sitting around on my ass eating junk food all day. I need to start taking better care of my skin, my teeth, and my apperance all together. I need to look like the person that I want to look like.

So here we go. I know I make this resolution all the time and then don't follow through with it for more than a week, but now I know that I have to get serious. I've got a lot of things working against me in this business, and I need to take control of the ones that I can control.

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